Training Course on Desertification Combating and Ecological Safety Assessment Technology in Central Asia and Western Asia

Gansu,August 2019

Desertification is a worldwide phenomenon. It is a kind of land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting from climatic variations and human activities. Desertification is affecting 3.6 billion ha of land worldwide, an area equivalent to 1/4 of the earth’s landmass. It is estimated that 25% of earth’s land area is affected by land degradation and that desertification occurs on 30%of the world’s irrigated areas, 47% of the rain fed agricultural countries. 24 billion tons topsoil is estimated to be lost every year as a result of this phenomenon, with serious impact on agricultural production. Desertification is increasingly becoming a matter for national and international concerns.

China is one of many countries around the globe facing the serious problem of desertification. According to the third round of National desertification monitoring, issued by the state council in 2005, the affected lands are mainly distributed in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas in the western part of Northeast China, North Central China and most of Northwest China. There are more than 498 counties in 18 provinces and autonomous regions suffering from the threat and impact of desertification. China has led a long-term struggle against land degradation and desertification. As early as the 1950s, Chinese government has organized scientific surveys and studies on affected lands and given priority to combating desertification in seriously impacted regions. Since the 1970s, China has initiated and implemented successively major eco-restoration programs such as the Three North Regions Shelter Belt Development Program, the Coastal Protection Shelter Belt Program, the National Action Program to Combat Desertification, the Plain Farmland Protective Networks program and the Green Belt Establishment Program along the Middle and Upper stream of the Yellow River. All these programs have accumulated successful experiences and scored remarkable achievements, with man-convincing models emerging. With the efforts in past decades, up to 2004, the desertification process in China have been reversed from the previous annual expansion to annual shrinking of 7584km2.  

Workshop Objectives

Through theoretical lectures and field practice, participants will be able to master the basic theory and principles of desert control so as to build up the capabilities of these countries in desertification combating, to facilitate the technological cooperation and communication between China and other developing countries; also, the technological levels will be mutually elevated through disseminating technologies and experiences acquired in China for combating desertification. Furthermore, the protection of eco-environment of the whole globe will be reinforced.

Training Contents

1. Legislative framework, policy and administration and strategy for implementation of UNCCD;

2. Mechanical/biological sand-fixation measures and other methods for desert control;

3. Integrated desertification combating techniques;

4. Water and soil conservation for eco-restoration in sandy land;

5. Conservation tillage and shelterbelts establishment for farmland in sandy areas;

6. Monitoring and evaluation for desertification and planning of desertification control engineering.

Workshop Structure

1. Date and Duration

  The 20-day workshop will be held during August 12th — August 31st, 2019. Registration will be on August 11th, 2019.

2. Venue

  Gansu Desert Control Research Institute (GDCRI), situated in Lanzhou city of Gansu province, P. R .China

3. Opening ceremony

  Opening ceremony will be on August 12th, 2019 in GDCRI, Lanzhou, Gansu                                                 

4. Indoor study and field visit

 Indoor lectures, presentations and discussions as well as field visits will be arranged alternately during the training course. Indoor study will be organized in GDCRI, while field visits will be conducted in Gansu and Shanxi provinces and other provinces where there are typical models for desert control with distinct characteristics.

5. Closing ceremony

  Closing ceremony will be on August 31st, 2019 in GDCRI.


  Departure will be on August 31st, 2019.

7. Others

  The climate in August for the training site is hot, temperature ranging from 22℃ to 33℃. During the training, field visits will be arranged, you are suggested to bring with your the necessary clothing, shoes and umbrella.

Participants Selection

1. Targeted countries and participants

Participants from developing countries which are suffering from desertification will be invited. Totally 20 participants will be accepted for this international training course. 4-5 participants of your country can be accepted.

2. Language Requirements

The workshop will be conducted in English, so participants are required to be proficiency in English.

3. Application Process

The deadline for application is July 20th, 2019. The selected participants will be notified by e-mail and will be requested to confirm their participation within 10 days.

4. Fees

   The Chinese Government will provide participants with expenses of training, food, accommodation, travelling transportation, person accident injury insurance of RMB 100 Yuan and pocket money of RMB 80 Yuan per day during the training course. All the other expenses, such as international traveling (including round tickets from your side to Lanzhou where the training will be held) and insurance for the participants, etc. will be borne by participants (including employment organizations, government or other supports).

Contact Information                   

       1. Ministry of Science & Technology of PRC

       2. Gansu Desert Control Research Institute

 Add: No.390 Northern Binhe Western Rd., Lanzhou city, Gansu Province,730000 P .R. C

Contact us:, Mr. Liu Kailin,  Mr. Liu Hujun

 Tel: 0086- 931-7686825,  0086-935-6112913

Mobile: 13359471078

Fax: 0086-931-7686825  0086-931-7686822   0086-935-6113503



Release Date :

July 1, 2019

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