Alen Tech Made in Russia Solar Powered Air Purification WIFI Smart Bus Shelter

The Kalam-1: Solar & wind powered outdoor Air purification Wi-Fi smart bus shelter.(Patent Pending Innovation)  This unit is designed to serve as a multi-functional...

Desert Dust impacts on Air Quality in Europe: co-designing an early warning system with and for the users

St. Julians, Malta, February 4-5, 2020 Aim of the meeting : 1-Meet and discuss specific user needs and requirements of Air Quality...

Riverbed farming- Nepal

Definition of the Technology: Riverbed farming can be used to increase household income and to improve the food security of landless and...

SandFlow sensor

The SandFlow SF4 sensor is an ultra-robust instrument measuring solid particle flux intensities and wind speeds. TYPICAL USE Detection and monitoring of...

An Environmentally Friendly Soil Improvement Technology For Sand and Dust Storms Control

Dust storms occur when unchecked, strong, or turbulent winds combine with exposed loose and dried soil surfaces. Sand and dust storms have...



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