Protecting people from sand and dust storms

In the video, WMO explains the scope of the problem of sand and dust storms and what needs to be done about...

Ningxia Desertification Control and Ecological Protection Project

ABSTRACT The objective of the Ningxia Desertification Control and Ecological Protection Project of China is to control desertification and degradation and protect...

Summary of the Research Institute of Petroleum industry of Iran activities in the petroleum mulch field

The research institute of petroleum industry of Iran has long been engaged in scientific-research activities for identifying, quality control and application of...

Experiences of SPI Co. in dust control

One of the most important sources of dust are wetlands, lakes, and water bodies which are de-watered due to water shortage or...

74,000 ha in Tehran prone to raise SDSs

TEHRAN – Some 74,000 hectares of southern and southwestern part of the capital are prone to give raise to sand and dust...



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