WMO Airborne Dust Bulletin-No3-2019

Published by WMO- May 2019 Download

WMO Airborne Dust Bulletin-No2-2018

Published by WMO- May 2018 Download

Sand and dust storms- UNCCD

Sand and dust storms (SDS), also known as sirocco, haboob, yellow dust, white storms, and the harmattan, are a natural phenomenon linked...

WMO acts on sand and dust storms

Sand and dust storms are meteorological phenomena, occurring in arid and semi-arid regions. They are an essential element of the Earth’s natural...

Solutions for soil stabilization at small scales

Solutions for soil stabilization at small scales

F2SR-231 Polymeric mulch

In order to solve the problems of wind erosion such as dust storms, Fars Chemical Industries Company after years of research succeeded...

Biopolymer mulches

Dust and sand dune storms, as a threatening phenomenon to Iran’s and west Asia environment, have caused interruption of social and economic...

United Nations Environment Assembly resolution on sand and dust storms

The United Nations Environment Assembly, Recalling General Assembly resolution 70/195 on combating sand and dust storms, which recognizes that dust and sand...



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