Sand and Dust Storm

An investigation about the factors of dust storms and solutions for combating-Report 3

Processes for identifying factors that affect dust storms generation and the solutions for combating these phenomena are not separable from the activities...

How to mitigate the effects of SDSs

According to EcoMENA, sand and dust storms cause significant negative impacts on society, economy, and environment at a local, regional and global...

€100m proposed to mitigate SDSs

Last year, €100 million from National Development Fund was earmarked to SDSs mitigation, however, 50 percent of which was provided, Ali Mohammad...

Global Land Outlook regional reports- Northeast Asia

Publication date 01 August 2019 partnerships to Achieve Land Degradation Neutrality: In the Northeast Asia sub-region, environmental pollution, transboundary sand and dust...

SandFlow sensor

The SandFlow SF4 sensor is an ultra-robust instrument measuring solid particle flux intensities and wind speeds. TYPICAL USE Detection and monitoring of...

3rd International SDS and Aerosol Workshop

Date 11 November 2019 Location: Hangzhou, China Venue: Hangzhou Dahua Hotel Deadline: for registration and abstract submission are no later than 15...

ICSEIA 2020: 14. International Conference on Sandstorms and Environmental Impact Assessments

January 09-10, 2020 in Singapore, Singapore ICSEIA 2020: 14. International Conference on Sandstorms and Environmental Impact Assessments aims to bring together leading...

An Environmentally Friendly Soil Improvement Technology For Sand and Dust Storms Control

Dust storms occur when unchecked, strong, or turbulent winds combine with exposed loose and dried soil surfaces. Sand and dust storms have...



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