F2SR-231 Polymeric mulch

In order to solve the problems of wind erosion such as dust storms, Fars Chemical Industries Company after years of research succeeded to invent the F2SR-231 Polymeric Resin and patent and supply it to the market under the brand name of “Zargan Mulch”.   

Contrary to petroleum much, Zargan Mulch does not cause environmental pollution and after decomposition, acts as fertilizer and increases soil fertility. Due to permeability, decrease in evaporation from the surface and keeping moist in the depth of soil, it has created favorable results.Bushes planted in soils covered by Zargan Mulch, after passing through dry seasons and without being irrigated have remained alive and green. Zargan Mulch does not prevent sprouting and vegetable growth and during its application does not have the negative effects of petroleum mulch on the existing and newly planted vegetables, plants and bushes. 

Soils stabilized by Zargan Mulch resists winds up to 110 km/hour and pressure up to  kgr/square cm. It is very easy to mulch soils with Zargan Mulch and it does not need to be heated up.As ordered by West Azerbaijan Environment Office, a part of dust centers in the vicinity of Urmia Lake was mulched by Zargan Mulch.

Fars Chemical Industries Company (FCIC)      

Release Date :

June 24, 2019

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