
Production of rooting stimulating bacteria in propagation of seedlings

Many soil chemical changes associated with plant growth promoters belong to RGPs. Pseudomonas fluorescent bacteria belong to a large group of PGPRs that can affect...

biological soil stabilization aimed at curbing dust

 Microbial mulch Calcium ions are commonly found in natural environments, often as carbonate deposits in minerals such as calcite and dolomite. One of the best...

Straw Checkerboard Technique in China

The straw checkerboard technique is used for fixing sand dunes. Straw of wheat, rice, reeds, and other materials is placed in the shape of a...

The “Six in One” Sand Prevention and Control Built up A Green Great Wall in Baijitan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

In the Baijitan, the sand within the straw checkerboard sand is covered with vegetation, and desertification control is carried forward plot by plot divided by...

Shapotou Curbs Desertification by Making Straw Checkerboard Sand Barriers

Shapotou, whose name was derived from high sand dunes, is located on the southern edge of the Tengger Desert. For half a century, Shapotou is...

Warning Advisory System for Sand and Dust Storm in Burkina Faso

A warning advisory system for sand and dust storm has been launched in the 13 administrative regions into which the territory of Burkina Faso is...



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