
CBI launches Tamkeen project to combat desertification

The Central Bank of Iraq launched a project to combat desertification in the district of Madaen under the initiative “Tamkeen”, led by the cooperation with...

Ningxia Desertification Control and Ecological Protection Project

ABSTRACT The objective of the Ningxia Desertification Control and Ecological Protection Project of China is to control desertification and degradation and protect key farmland and...

Summary of the Research Institute of Petroleum industry of Iran activities in the petroleum mulch field

The research institute of petroleum industry of Iran has long been engaged in scientific-research activities for identifying, quality control and application of petroleum mulch, as...

Seoul launches AR app for fine dust

The Seoul city government has introduced an “augmented reality” camera application for mobile phones, for users to see a visual representation of the unseen fine...

Experiences of SPI Co. in dust control

One of the most important sources of dust are wetlands, lakes, and water bodies which are de-watered due to water shortage or human intervention. In...

Dust Emission, Effect Assessment and Control in Degraded Drylands of East Asia

Project Summary Dust emissions and sandstorms are international desertification problems. They cause damage to drylands, including those in Mongolia and China, and Japan is affected...

F2SR-231 Polymeric mulch

In order to solve the problems of wind erosion such as dust storms, Fars Chemical Industries Company after years of research succeeded to invent the...

Biopolymer mulches

Dust and sand dune storms, as a threatening phenomenon to Iran’s and west Asia environment, have caused interruption of social and economic activities and outbreak...



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