
Alen Tech Made in Russia Solar Powered Air Purification WIFI Smart Bus Shelter

The Kalam-1: Solar & wind powered outdoor Air purification Wi-Fi smart bus shelter.(Patent Pending Innovation)  This unit is designed to serve as a multi-functional utility unit which...

Summary of the Research Institute of Petroleum industry of Iran activities in the petroleum mulch field

The research institute of petroleum industry of Iran has long been engaged in scientific-research activities for identifying, quality control and application of petroleum mulch, as...

biological soil stabilization aimed at curbing dust

 Microbial mulch Calcium ions are commonly found in natural environments, often as carbonate deposits in minerals such as calcite and dolomite. One of the best...

Shapotou Curbs Desertification by Making Straw Checkerboard Sand Barriers

Shapotou, whose name was derived from high sand dunes, is located on the southern edge of the Tengger Desert. For half a century, Shapotou is...



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