
Global Observance: 2020 Desertification and Drought Day

This year’s global observance event, hosted by Korea Forest Service (KFS), will take place online, with a full-day program featuring a variety of exciting events...

2020 Desertification and Drought Day

2020 Desertification and Drought Day will focus on links between consumption and land Desertification and Drought Day, a United Nations observance day held on 17...

Sand and Dust Storms Toolbox inception workshop comes to Bonn

Bonn, Germany – The inception workshop for the new sand and dust storms (SDS) toolbox opened at UNCCD headquarters on 13 February 2020, bringing together representatives of international organizations...

Sand and Dust Storms Coalition launched at COP14

New Delhi, India – “Today, we focus on sand and dust storms (SDS), a phenomena severely and increasingly affecting 151 countries  in Africa, Asia, North America and...

Chinese Technology to Turn Abu Dhabi Desert into Arable Land

The Chongqing Jiaotong University team selected a desert in Abu Dhabi, one of the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) seven emirates, after it signed a cooperation...

Saharan Dust Keeping Atlantic’s Tropical Storms From Forming

Dry air from the Sahara that’s carrying enough dust it can be seen from space is preventing thunderstorms over the Atlantic from strengthening into powerful...

InDUST:International Network to Encourage the Use of Monitoring and Forecasting Dust Products

Over the last few years, numerical prediction and observational products from ground- and satellite platforms have become prominent at several research and operational weather centres...

Dust from Asia fertilizes the North Pacific Ocean

Large systems of ocean currents called gyres cover 40 percent of the Earth’s surface and are comprised mainly of nutrient-poor waters. However, the North Pacific...



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