Protocols & Agreement

The sixth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6) Regional Assessment for West Asia

The sixth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6) Regional Assessment for West Asia paints a comprehensive picture of the environmental factors contributing to human health and well-being...

Technology Needs Assessment To Address Climate Change in Iran

Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) is a powerful tool for the assessment of the technology options and resources, institutional mechanisms, interaction with stakeholders, and for identification...

United Nations Environment Assembly resolution on sand and dust storms

The United Nations Environment Assembly, Recalling General Assembly resolution 70/195 on combating sand and dust storms, which recognizes that dust and sand storms, and the...

Draft UN resolution on combating sand and dust storms

The General Assembly, Reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, which adopts a comprehensive,...



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