
Scientists Share Results of Dust Belt Research

Central Asian Dust Conference; Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 8–12 April 2019 The area from the west Sahara through the Middle East and Central Asia to the Gobi...

Dust from Asia fertilizes the North Pacific Ocean

Large systems of ocean currents called gyres cover 40 percent of the Earth’s surface and are comprised mainly of nutrient-poor waters. However, the North Pacific...

Combating desertification through economic development in northwestern China

ABSTRACT Desertification covers about 36×106 km2 of land around the world, affecting two-thirds of the world’s countries and one-fifth of its population, but poverty prevents...

WMO Airborne Dust Bulletin-No3-2019

Published by WMO- May 2019 Download

WMO Airborne Dust Bulletin-No2-2018

Published by WMO- May 2018 Download

Sand and dust storms- UNCCD

Sand and dust storms (SDS), also known as sirocco, haboob, yellow dust, white storms, and the harmattan, are a natural phenomenon linked with land and...

Technological Innovation of Desertification Control in the Kubuqi Desert

This paper introduces the technological innovation of desertification control in the Kubuqi Desert that is the seventh largest desert in China. After 30 years of...



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