biological soil stabilization aimed at curbing dust

 Microbial mulch

Calcium ions are commonly found in natural environments, often as carbonate deposits in minerals such as calcite and dolomite. One of the best descriptions of the mechanism is the enzymatic hydrolysis of urea. Various bacteria contain urease enzymes, which are called urolithic bacteria. Urease enzyme is an intracellular enzyme that, through a specific mechanism, can absorb urea in its specific conditions and convert it into ammonia and secrete it to the external environment, and, in subsequent mechanisms, in the presence of calcium ion, causes deposition Calcium carbonate. The mulch acts in such a way that a biochemical reaction produces sediment, which in turn causes the particles to stick together and prevent them from rising by the wind.

National Institute of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnolo

Release Date :

June 19, 2019

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