Ningxia Desertification Control and Ecological Protection Project


The objective of the Ningxia Desertification Control and Ecological Protection Project of China is to control desertification and degradation and protect key farmland and infrastructure in strategically selected locations in Ningxia Hui autonomous region. There are three components for this project. (1) Controlling desertification and degradation. This component addresses the main drivers of desertification and degradation which relate to moving sand through wind erosion dynamics and unsustainable land use practices. (2) Protective shelterbelt plantations. The objective of this component is to protect key farmland and infrastructure from desertification by tree and shrub shelterbelt plantations. (3) Project management, capacity building and monitoring and evaluation. This component will support: (a) information and awareness campaigns for project beneficiaries and stakeholders; (b) the detailed technical design, field implementation and construction, construction supervision, and final acceptance checks of desertification control works, safeguards supervision, and project progress reporting; (c) applied research on selected topics; (d) training and extension for staff; and (e) desertification control impact monitoring and field demonstration.

Release Date :

July 18, 2019

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