Straw Checkerboard Technique in China

The straw checkerboard technique is used for fixing sand dunes. Straw of wheat,
rice, reeds, and other materials is placed in the shape of a checkerboard (Fig. 1). Half
is buried in the sand and the other half is exposed. The straw decreases the wind
velocity near the ground surface and can prevent wind erosion of the soil. In regions
where the annual precipitation is over 200 mm, bushes and herbs can be planted to
further improve the windbreak and sand dune fixation qualities. After establishment,
the straw gradually rots to become soil organic matter.
Scientists at the Shapotou Desert Research Station, Chinese Academy of Science,
devised this technique in 1957 . It is widely used for dune fixation in arid
and semi-arid regions of China .


Release Date :

June 17, 2019

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